Feminist International Radio Endeavour/ November 2005

November 25
International Day Towards the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Solidarity Route of Radio Internacional Feminista /
Feminist International Radio Endeavour

 Chocó AWAITS US" 
(Women's Pacifist Route)


Feminist International Radio Endeavour/RIF-FIRE

November 21, 2005.  By Yarman Jiménez

FIRE Radio will march and broadcast live from a massive women's peace march to
Chocó, in Colombia on the 25th of November for the International Day Against Violence Towards Women. 

Over 700 women will be marching through areas of conflict along the route to Chocó with the motto, "For the demilitarization of the territory and of civil life; no war will destroy us, no peace will oppress us." The mobilization was organized by the Women's Pacifist Route and the Colombian Women's Social Movement.  The motto signifies Colombian women's insistence that the peace negotiations include women and also address social justice issues.  And Chocó was selected as the site of this march in support of women in that highly conflicted area of Colombia.


"For the demilitarization of
the territory and civil life"

 Solidarity route:

"The women of Chocó, victims of the struggle by armed actors who have freed their territories, are heroines in stories not of their choosing: the displacement, confinement, and historic poverty of their province have shaped a reality that does not suggest resignation but resistance."
(Women's Pacifist Route)


FIRE's 8-hour live broadcast, 9am - 5 pm (in Costa Rica/CST) on November 25th will include live interviews in Spanish with Colombian women in the peace march, as well as with other women in English.  Also to be included in both languages are interviews with women involved in various anti-violence efforts including a protest against the School of the Americas, and also women activists working against human rights violations in Tunisia.

Starting at 9 am (in Costa Rica/CST) RIF/FIRE will transmit messages of solidarity, testimonies and other interviews with Colombian women during a live 8-hour broadcast at www.radiofeminista.net.  In this manner, RIF/FIRE's Solidarity Route will accompany the Colombian women in their demands for Truth, Justice, and Reparation.

FIRE will also broadcast interviews with women from different countries and situations where women are leading actions against violence, and about mobilizations by feminist, women's and other organizations.  For example, one report will focus on the participation of women in the recent protest against the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia, a US military training school for Latin American soldiers, which has contributed to formation of armed and repressive military forces in the region.

The last two hours from 3 pm - 5 pm in English will feature interviews with Colombian women, and also women human rights activists from Tunisia who talk about violence against women in their country, recorded by FIRE during the recent UN WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) in Tunisia.

The commemoration of November 25th as the International Day Toward the Elimination of Violence Against Women began with the First Latin American & Caribbean Feminist Encuentro in Bogotá in 1981, with the suggestion in the final declearation of that event to honor the struggle of three sisters -- Patria, Minerva, and María Teresa Miraval, who were political activists and were brutally murdered in 1961 by order of the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. 

FIRE will be united this 25th of November with the struggle of women against violence. 

"We don't want to be territories of war, with scenes of routine violence and armed conflicts.  We have the right to build peace, we want to construct another world from our right to life."

In our webpage at: www.radiofeminista.net you will find this programming and schedules of our live broadcasts in Spanish and English. 

RIF/FIRE invites you to listen to the November 25th broadcast and send your comments to: oficina@radiofeminista.net


Related FIRE articles:

In English:

In Spanish: